The Ultimate Guide to Types of Steroids for Bodybuilding: A Comprehensive Guide For 2023

steroids for bodybuilding 

Anabolic steroids, or supplements for bodybuilding and muscle gain, are artificial hormones in the body that work like a natural hormone. it possesses health and fitness properties and also boosts stamina. Steroids are derivatives of the anabolic hormone in making that is known as testosterone, and they are also similar in structure and properties.

There are different types of steroids for bodybuilding available and people can consume them without any issues. This is because they do have legitimate medical uses and tremendous people have it to treat their severe health diseases along with bodybuilding.

  • Types Of Anabolic Steroids

Anabolic steroid is trending and majorly used by people for gaining muscle mass and body health. On the legal and commercial websites, there are 32 types of steroids for bodybuilding available. But among the list, there are some major and popular options available that are used by individuals for different health purposes. People can choose any one of them according to their needs or as per the recommendation of their healthcare provider.

Some steroids only have medical uses but anabolic steroids are mostly used by folks to build muscle mass and gain bodybuilding and power. Anabolic steroids are the trending and basic example of steroids for both medical purposes and to enhance overall performance.

On the other hand, anadur has no medical or therapeutic use, but most athletes use them. Individuals choose the steroids for different purposes of health-

  • Bulking steroids for building muscle mass
  • Performance steroids for improving strength and endurance
  • Cutting the steroids for burning calories or extra body fat

It also helps in easy and fast recovery from the injury while working and increases the metabolism.

2.0)   Let’s Take a Deep Dive into Various Types

  • Anadrol

A cheap oral steroid has many benefits. According to the experts, the originally prescribed drug helps people with weight gain after any surgery or infection. This also treats the hormonal conditions. The cycle of consuming the drug should not be more than eight weeks. The dose limit should be only 50 to 100 milligrams on a daily basis.

  • Anavar

One of the finest anabolic steroids for cutting overall fat. Individuals basically consume this to treat osteoporosis. This is a less toxic supplement as compared to other available options and has minimal side effects. The causes are depending on the dosage. Apart from the benefits and facts, these steroids are more expensive than the other options available. Eight weeks is the cycle of consumption and users are advised to have 10 to 50mg daily, sometimes going up to 80 mg. This all depends on your digestive system and most importantly prescription of your health professional.

  • Clenbuterol

Clenbuterol is not a steroid but a stimulant often used as part of the therapy to increase muscle power or gain muscle weight. Women often consume the supplement more. This is an oral anti-asthma medication in a few countries. For safe usage, one should only consume it often two weeks on, and two weeks off. The dosage limit should be 20 to 40 micrograms (mcg) daily.

  • Deca-Durabolin

The supplement comes under the category of injectable steroids that originated back in the 70s. The drug is used for building the muscle mass. Folks are advised to have the steroids according to their doctor’s recommendation not used frequently. This is used by people for treating some severe conditions like cancer, anemia, and HIV. It’s a bulky drug, not a cutting one. The dosage cycle is for 12 months and the quantity should be 200 to 600mg per week.

  • Trenbolone

The drug is considered as one of the most unique and effective steroids used by weight-lifters and bodybuilders. It is an injectable steroid that is used for gaining muscle power and reducing body fat. If you are willing to increase muscle strength and lose a big amount of body fat have the supplement. If we talk about the cycle of dosage it goes up to a maximum of 10 weeks and you should only have 300 to 600mg per week.

3.0) What’s more?

Along with above above-stated steroids there are some commonly known anabolic steroids are also available. To get the details, read the following points stated below-

  • Oral steroids

  • Dianabol
  • Oxandrin
  • Anadrol
  • Winstrol
  • Injectable steroids


  • Deca-Durabolin
  • Equipoise
  • Testosterone cypionate
  • Durabolin

4.0) Common Side Effects

If you take a dosage without following the cycle or in excess dose the steroids can cause some side effects. These are-

  • Acne or Oily skin
  • Swelling on the ankles
  • Decrease in breast size in women
  • Vaginal dryness
  • And effects Menstrual cycle

5.0) Some Necessary Suggestions!

It is crucial to prioritize your health and overall well-being when achieving the desired fitness goals or bodybuilding goals. Instead of trying the supplement at home and turning to some unnecessary substances’ users are advised to go or a professional to get suggestions. One should ask the health professionals the one will help you in giving the right suggestion. Individuals must follow a balanced diet along with the steroids so that they will not face any serious issues.

Nonetheless, users can get the services of expert consultation from the website they are buying the steroid. Yes, if you choose the trusted and licensed website, they offer the option to ask for advice from the health care professional without any charges or additional cost. For better and safe use all you need to follow the instructions and dosage cycle.


When using the anabolic steroids of any supplement for bodybuilding under the supervision of doctors the drugs are not dangerous. But similarly, like another artificial supplement to boost stamina, and muscle mass it can be dangerous for health too, or even deadly if misused. However, it is necessary to ask the doctor first about the types of steroids for bodybuilding you should use and their accurate dosage cycle. before adding steroids to a workout routine or just wanting to increase muscle mass consult a healthcare professional and choose the online store for buying the supplement.

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