steroids canada

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) 120iu


Genotropin Pen (1 unit)

Pen 1

Genotropin 36iu



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About Genotropin:

Are you looking to buy Genotropin in Canada? Genex Genotropin is a premium product from Pfizer that is manufactured for use in treating growth failure, GH deficiency, and HIV-related weight loss. Genotropin is simple to use in most aspects due to the premix cartridges available on the market in conjunction with devices such as our Genex Genotropin Pen.

Use Process (Genotropin Pen needed):
1. Attach the needle
2. Insert the dual-port cartridge
3. Prepare the body of the pen by pressing the release knob exposing the active area of the pen
4. Examine the solution and release trapped air as needed
5. Select your desired dosage
6. Inject the Genotropin
7. Discard the needle and store the Genotropin pen in a safe location

*Ensure that you store the Genotropin Pen + product in a safe location and out of the reach of children. Refrigerators are preferred as the storage temps should be around 2-8 degrees Celcius.


  • Decreased Body Fat
  • A Tighter Physique
  • Enhanced Ability to Maintain Proper Body Fat Levels
  • Healthier Skin
  • Enhanced Metabolic Rate
  • Increased Energy
  • Increased Lean Tissue Growth
  • Increased Joint Strength
  • Increased Tendon Strength

Recommended Dosage:

Bodybuilding: 2 – 4 iu/day

Male: 1.5 – 2 iu/day

Female: .5 – 1 iu/day

Shipping Information: 
After you buy Genotropin we will ship in a safe and secure manner. Your product will be contained within medical-grade semi-rigid or rigid packaging.

Browse our other HGH products.


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