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Anavar 20mg (100 units)


Anavar 20mg (100 units)


Oxandrolone “Anavar” is a well known for its ability to build lean muscle mass while significantly improving strength. Compared to other steroids, it has one of the lowest side effect profiles, and as a result, is considered one of the safest steroids. Anavar is the ultimate all purpose steroid that can fit into just about any steroid cycle but is most popularly used in cutting cycles. Woman are able to use this steroid due to its low virilization effects.

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About Genex Anavar (Oxandrolone):

Genex Anavar is one of the most popular oral steroids on the market due to the fact it does not get aromatized into estrogen when compared to many other oral or injectable steroids. This means Anavar can produce desirable results without many of the undesirable side effects often associated with steroids such as bloat, acne, hair loss, and other potential side effects.

Anavar has been shown to:

1) Decrease visceral fat, specifically around the stomach area
2) Significantly increase protein synthesis (get more usage out of your protein intake)
3) Increase energy levels, including sex drive
4) Increase nitrogen retention (promotes muscle growth)
5) Aids in tendon and skin health/repair
6) Spares muscle during heavy caloric deficits

Anavar is one of the few female friendly steroids as it does not cause virilization (development of male characteristics) to the same degree as other steroids, while still providing a significant boost in strength.

Anavar can also quickly improve one’s physique, providing a much more toned appearance to the muscle (dependent on body fat%). Therefore, Anavar is the drug of choice for most men and women looking to take their fitness, strength, and physique goals to the next level.

Recommended Dosage:

Bodybuilding: 80 – 100 mg/day for 8 to 10 weeks
Male: 40 – 60 mg/day for 6 to 8 weeks
Female: 5 – 10 mg/day for 6 to 8 weeks

Shipping Information: 
Once you place and pay for your order, we’ll ship Genex Anavar safely and discretely to your Canadian address. The shipping package will not contain any information relating to this product, website, or steroids. Delivery is guaranteed.

Make sure to also check out our other Oral Anabolic steroids.


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